May 4, 2014

Review: The Unbearable Lightness of Prunes by Margaret Jean Langstaff

Margaret Jean Langstaff
A hoot & holler for this southern, redneck blast. All will enjoy the artfully simple southern idiosyncrasies masterfully written in Margaret Jean Langstaff’s, The Unbearable Lightness of Prunes. It was pure pleasure to experience the wonderful mix of characters in this lighthearted tale.

No exclusions, this is a wonderful read for anyone. A perfect story to load on your Kindle; you can’t go wrong. Enjoy the story of Jerrold and his aunt Ginny as they create prune pipe bombs and more. You can read this in less than an hour, and  I guarantee it will change the entire mood of your day.

This is southern humor at its Best. Likely, the most humorous book I've read!

Get Your Copy of The Unbearable Lightness of Prunes, Today on Amazon!


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Sammy Sutton