January 7, 2011


The novel begins with twin brothers Matt and Chris along with their roommate Aiden. After living together throughout their seven years at NYU, the three men move into a loft and begin to embark upon their adult lives.

Their new surroundings away from the confines of the University commence to demand the emergence of their identities. These men carry their own unique personalities and demons into the mix. However, they all struggle with fears of similar repercussions when secrets begin to surface.

I very quickly felt a bonded with all three men. At first I thought, 'these guys seem to handle these life revelations quite easily.' I soon realized the men are comfortable with their respective identities. The fear they secretly harbor is of destroying the relationships that exist. Like many couples, Aiden and Chris have long hesitated approach in fear of the possible negative outcome of taking their relationship to another level.

Liz spends an appropriate amount of time developing these characters. The gesture proves to open a window that has remained closed. Society often speaks about the importance in accepting different kinds of families, yet fails miserably in its definition. "Expectations" takes our hand and gently exposes us as we share with the characters the unfolding upheavals they face.

Chris, Aiden, and Matt are believable, loveable, and slowly gained a heroic status with me. The solid dynamics between the men are paramount to the challenges they must over come. 

The twists and turns shape a clever set of circumstances as the twins' wealthy Father enters the picture. This dark controlling patriarch will stop at nothing to control anyone he nears.

The Father's antics attract others into their lives. I came to own the satire of this dynamic in a sort of tongue in cheek personal way. This unlikely group of people comes together with each providing an important role in defining love. Out of the willingness to place another's happiness above self, this strange group forms a family bound by a love thicker than blood.

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